Redesigning Fit Analytics for Clothing Eccommerce — A case for inclusivity.

Monica Kay Schmidt
6 min readApr 5, 2021


You’ve probably come across a clothing site where, after viewing the product images and description, you’re still not confident in what size to select for your body type. Some brands have the option to “Find your size,” where you input a few generic stats in order for it to compute the “Best fit for you.” However, in my experience, these prompts have left me frustrated. When presented with only three images to describe my belly shape (Figure 1), the first and last options are visually the difference between before or after eating a burrito.

Figure 1: Fit Analytics

While my body loosely reflects the examples given by the questionnaire, I can’t imagine the disheartening feeling of the rest of the consumer population who don’t visually see themselves reflected in these illustrations. If clothing companies are truly going to champion inclusivity with broader size/fit selections, then there is also a responsibility to make customers feel comfortable navigating their options.

User Testing Plan

  1. Test Objective — As part of my UX Academy case study, I want to design an empathetic “Find my size” modal quiz that changes the way customers FEEL about finding their size.
  2. Test Goals —A.) The user is able to successfully navigate the product item page and find the information they need to determine the best size for them. B.) Customers feel accurately represented in fit information & quiz answers provided. C.) After completing the quiz, the user feels they have given enough/accurate information in order to trust the results.
  3. Test Subjects — The prototype will be a desktop website modal quiz, created in Figma.
  4. Test Methodology — Due to the small scope of this project, I will be conducting remote moderated tests with 3 participants, and remote unmoderated usability tests with 2–4 additional participants via Maze.
  5. Participants will be within the identified user persona requirements of Ages 25–40, women, and have experience shopping for clothing online.
  6. Recruiting Plan — Participants will be recruited from a network of past apparel industry colleagues, friends & family.
  7. Test Completion Rate & Error-free Rate — will be collected & analyzed after user testing is completed.

Interview Script

Hello, my name is Monica Kay. Firstly, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to participate in this session. I will be walking you through a prototype for a clothing website called Mirror. The feature we will be focusing on is the “Find my fit,” section.

Before we go any further, I want to be clear that I am testing the product, not you. The purpose of today is to understand how this feature affects you personally, and, based on your feedback, I will learn how it can be improved. Don’t worry about hurting my feelings; in fact, it’s more important that I understand how this product makes YOU feel, so don’t be afraid to be honest.

As I walk you through the tasks, I want you to explain what’s going through your head while you read each slide’s questions and options. Feel free to elaborate on why you’re feeling a certain way.

With your permission, may I record our session in order to help supplement my notes? Do you have any questions for me before we begin?

Task 1

You’re browsing the website and you need to purchase a women's short sleeve button-up shirt. How would you go about finding your size?

Once you’ve selected a size, how confident do you feel about the size you chose? Why is that? What features helped you make that decision?

Task 2

Please select the “Find your size” link and follow the promoted questions. Again, please explain out loud your thought process and why you selected the answer you did. If you’re not sure what to select, please let me know why you’re feeling that way.

(Once the modal quiz is complete) How did that size quiz make you feel? Do you feel you were able to find an answer for each question that accurately represented you? Why or why not?


I’m starting by evaluating existing Size Guides of other e-commerce companies in order to find strengths and weaknesses. I’ll mark up comments on how I can expand, improve or remove.

Figure 2: Fit Analytics. Stat Input.

While height and weight are too generic as standalone inputs, it does feel like a familiar starting point for the user. (Figure 2)

Figure 3: Fit Analytics. Bra size.

Bra size is key for women, as it starts to add dimension to the stats provided in the previous slide. (Figure 3)

Figure 4: Fit Analytics. Body shape.

The illustrations leave something to be desired, and there are a lot of opportunities to create artful illustrations. However, it feels important to include more options. If customers still don’t identify with a particular image, or if the customer still feels uncertain about their selection, there should be an option to enter their 3 core measurements (chest, waist, hips). (Figure 4)

Figure 5: Fit Analytics. Age.

I perceive age to be irrelevant with regards to how a garment fits. The reason given for asking this is, “Age has an impact on how your weight is distributed.” This feels incredibly ageist & presumptuous of someone's body composition. (Figure 5)

Figure 5: Fit Analytics. Fit preference.

This slide is a great example for determining how someone likes to wear their clothes regardless of their body shape. However, once you complete this quiz, these preferences follow you throughout the website. Many of the participants in my initial research phase expressed preferences of fit depending on garment type. While this is a great question to keep, there is an opportunity for improvement. (Figure 5)

It’s my assumption that I am not the only one bothered by these automated fit calculators, but after further testing, I hope to discover other perspectives I would not have considered because of my own body type and unconscious biases.


I sketched out ideas for how I plan to illustrate and map the improved slides. (Figure 6)

Figure 6: Sketches

There are additional slides that could be included, however, the length of this quiz should not feel laborious. I will build a high-fidelity prototype based on these sketches. Then, I will conduct user testing to see how participants’ feelings confirm my assumptions or inform new ideas for the “Find my Size” modal quiz.

To be continued…



Monica Kay Schmidt

Women's RTW Designer transitioning to e-commerce UX Designer.